View Full Version : Navy man arrested in Bani drug case

09-17-2008, 04:10 PM
Navy captain Genaro Silverio Balbuena is under arrest for his possible role in the murder of seven suspected drug dealers in Paya, Peravia province (Bani). This is the second Navy officer arrested after the abduction and killing of six Colombians and a Dominican on 4 August in Ojo de Agua, Paya. Two other Navy officers are under suspicion.
The arrest was confirmed by Navy chief Vice Admiral Julio Cesar Ventura Bayonet.
Sources told Hoy that dozens of military and police officers are under investigation in connection with the massacre.
As reported in Hoy, last month police in East Santo Domingo arrested another officer and his wife with an undisclosed amount of cocaine. Meanwhile, it is reported that the Navy is also investigating the possible participation of three other of its officers. Silverio Balbuena was arrested in an operation in Puerto Plata and sent to the Ministry of Armed Forces for questioning.

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