View Full Version : Savona helps Saona

09-23-2008, 03:30 PM
The town of Savona, Italy and the DR have signed a cooperation agreement for sustainable development on Isla Saona, part of the National Park of the East. Luis Simo, Deputy Minister for International Affairs at the Ministry of Tourism and Savona mayor Federico Berruti signed. Also, Italian Ambassador Enrico Guiciardi announced the donation of a wind generator on behalf of the Italian government. The cooperation agreement will fund the construction of Plaza Savona, an art school and the archeological museum at the Parque del Este. The infrastructural developments will be built in the towns of Mano Juan and Catuano and should conclude by September 2009 with a cost of EU80,000 per structure. Simo explains that technical committees will be created to help supervise the projects. Savona and Saona have historical ties since it was Michele de Cuveo, who came with Columbus on his second trip, who named the island in honor of his hometown.

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