View Full Version : [DR1] Guarantees are costly

05-15-2006, 03:10 PM
Consumers, long accustomed to product warranties and guarantees, are now learning that in the future these guarantees will cost extra. Customers are facing the sad news that appliances that used to carry multi-year guarantees are now offering one-year guarantees and then an insurance or service policy-often called "extended warranty" at additional cost, of course. According to Listin Diario, manufacturers have reduced the guarantee periods extended to their distributors, and these, in turn, have passed on the costs to their clients. As an example, the reporter shows how a RD$20,000 electric clothes dryer can cost RD$24,768 with a full, multi-year guarantee. Expensive appliances, such as a RD$116,000 refrigerator can cost as much as RD$133,200 with a five-year full-service insurance policy. Even cell phones can have insurance policies, varying in cost between RD$400 to RD$500 per year.

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