View Full Version : [DR1] Electoral Pact falls apart

05-15-2006, 03:10 PM
After several attempts to save the Civility Pact, signed just last Tuesday, the coordinator of the National Dialogue, Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, announced the end of the pact and the dissolution of the Electoral Assistance Commission. In a full-page announcement published in Diario Libre's Saturday edition, the commission said that they were sorry that the consensus that had led to the pact in the first place had been lost. They called the loss a "step backwards" for the democratic system and the Dominican nation as a whole. The commission said that they still held out hopes for common sense and a willingness to open a dialogue to prevail among the nation's political leaders. They called for civility and peace whether or not there was a pact. The commission also told the nation that pact or no pact, elected officials are obliged to draw up legislative and municipal agendas, by consensus, that include the most important issues facing the nation today.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)