View Full Version : Jimenez Pena speaks out

09-26-2008, 05:00 PM
Prosecutor General Radhames Jimenez Pena has challenged Peravia Senator Wilton Guerrero, who criticized him for negligence in his position in the case of drug dealing operations in Bani. Jimenez Pena said that he didn't act regarding the Bani prosecutor when receiving claims of wrongdoings from Guerrero at the start of Fernandez's first term because that was just one of many similar claims brought by all senators and deputies from all around the country asking for replacements of prosecutors.
Jimenez Pena said Victor Cordero, accused by Guerrero of complicity with traffickers, was to be removed when he resigned, shortly before the Bani massacre that brought about Guerrero's accusations against Jimenez. Jimenez Pena admitted: "Prosecutor Cordero's actions were not holy, he committed many acts violating ethical-moral canons". No sanctions were levied against Cordero.
Now Jimenez Pena has lashed back at Senator Guerrero. Quoted in Hoy, Jimenez Pena said, "He doesn't have the moral ground to point the finger at me. Neither he nor his family is more honest than me. I challenge him to an exercise in transparency, which has been a constant in my life." He told El Caribe that the commission that investigated the Bani massacre did not find evidence to incriminate the governor of Bani or the former Police chief. Senator Guerrero accused the pair, together with the former prosecutor, of complicity with drug traffickers in the province. Senator Guerrero has said the commission, of which Jimenez Pena was part, interviewed pre-selected persons and did not carry out an in-depth inquiry.
Jimenez has said the senator needs to reveal the origins of his fortune and mentioned a son of the senator who had problems with US justice.
In related news, supporters accompanied Senator Guerrero during a march in the El Llano community. Marchers held up signs and chanted in support of the Senator who has been pressuring government for increased investigations into the DR's drug operations.

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