View Full Version : Competitive edge

09-30-2008, 03:00 PM
US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez has urged the DR to redouble efforts to increase transparency and consistent application of the law as a way of enhancing the nation's attractiveness for foreign capital. The Secretary explained that as the economic crisis develops, competition for foreign capital would become fiercer. Gutierrez did highlight the silver lining in this financial crisis, saying that a rise in fuel prices would benefit the DR as manufacturing companies would prefer the proximity of the DR to shipping from Asia. Gutierrez made his comments during speeches as part of a business development mission to the DR. The mission seeks to highlight regional opportunities under the DR-CAFTA agreement. Gutierrez is leading a business delegation of nine US exporters from eight cities in seven states representing a wide range of industries that will travel the region from 28 September to 2 October 2008.
In related news, President Leonel Fernandez says that in these tough economic times his government should be more transparent, competitive and efficient. Fernandez made his comments in a recent issue of "Gestion & Competitividad." In the article Fernandez states that governments should be agile and flexible in response to the constant changes in the financial markets as a way of curtailing possible pressures on the Dominican economy.
President Leonel Fernandez said that the new adverse international order and the increase in oil and food prices require government to be efficient, competitive and transparent. He said the government cannot be the exception and needs to be competitive in order to play its role as economic agent and promoter of development.

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