View Full Version : [DR1] Baltazar Garzon comes to observe

05-16-2006, 02:10 PM
Spain's "Super Judge" Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish investigator who gained a world reputation for his inquiries that led to the arrest of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and the Argentine generals, and who has targeted al-Qaeda, is visiting the DR as part of the body of observers for the 2006 Congressional and Municipal elections.

Yesterday, Garzon held a two-hour meeting with President Leonel Fernandez at the Presidential Palace. During the meeting he was also accompanied by Vice President Rafael Alburquerque. The Presidency press office reported that they covered topics including juridical security, agreements signed with the Dominican government and Spanish universities, Dominican-Spanish relations and human rights. They discussed Hispanic immigration to the US, and Garzon commented that he did not believe that an amnesty should be granted to the estimated 12 million illegal Hispanic immigrants who live in the US.

Garzon is part of missions of observers from the OAS and that includes ambassadors from US, the European Union, Japan, Spain, Haiti, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, Italy and members of electoral courts from abroad. The OAS mission is made up of 84 officers, including 54 permanent members of the OAS and 34 volunteers from diplomatic missions in the country, has been working since 30 April.

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