View Full Version : Lucrative corrections

10-01-2008, 03:30 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) derives considerable revenue from correcting errors in civil documents, mostly made by their own staff. Today's Listin Diario reports on the costly and time-consuming process that the law requires for correcting a misspelled name or date in a civil document. Most of the errors were committed by JCE staff when the documents were digitalized from hand-written books. Corrections can cost from RD$15,000 to more than RD$30,000 because interested parties need to hire a lawyer for the procedure. Lawyer Zacarias Payano told the Listin that this is a senseless process because it is clear that the errors are the result of the JCE's own negligence. In his opinion, there should not be a cost to correct the errors and the procedure should be simpler. The newspaper reports that in 2007 alone, 15,618 people requested the costly procedure, and so far this year, 13,543 corrections have been requested. According to JCE figures, this has resulted in RD$8.6 million in revenue between 2007 and so far this year.

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