View Full Version : Journalism awards

10-01-2008, 03:30 PM
Investigative TV reporter Nuria Piera has received a RD$1 million award from the Fundacion Corripio, a leading business group. The award comes at a time when she is being sued by Ladom, after airing a report on the low quality of school breakfast drink distributed by Ladom, which at the time benefited from 40% of the Ministry of Education contracts to supply public schools with breakfast drinks. The Presidency and the Ministry of Education defended the company that was never able to give an explanation for the breach in contract. As a result of the report, school breakfast supplies are now monitored and the results made public, showing that Ministry of Education standards are being met. On 16 August, President Fernandez appointed then Education Minister Alejandrina German to be minister of women.
See www.nuria.com.do (http://www.nuria.com.do) for recent TV investigative programs.
Others receiving the million peso awards were historian Frank Moya Pons, physician Bienvenido Amado Delgado Billini and painter Domingo Liz.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)