View Full Version : Fernandez in Florida

10-03-2008, 04:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez was in Miami to participate in the Miami Herald-sponsored Americas Conference at the Biltmore Hotel Thursday. Fernandez was also a keynote speaker at a Beacon Council event where he spoke and meet with around 600 Floridian businesspeople.
For some days now, President Leonel Fernandez has been arguing that the DR is well prepared to handle any adverse reaction to the US financial crisis, but during his speech at the Americas Conference Fernandez commented that the US crisis could reverberate in the DR. Though this has yet to happen, he says it could hit in the near future. Fernandez said the DR's GDP has grown by 7% in the last seven months and the government would do all that is possible to protect the nation's productive sectors.
Fernandez said that Latin American economies needed to develop mechanisms to withstand the current world crisis. The President added that the world is facing four or five crises at the same time. He focused on how the close linkages to the US market, the country's largest trading partner, make the Dominican economy vulnerable. Fernandez also spoke about the harm that speculation has done to the petroleum markets and its effects on the rise in fuel prices. Fernandez added that the DR fuel bill has increased to a whopping US$5 billion.
President Fernandez in the evening attended the 2008 Annual Meeting and Lifestyle Auction , sponsored by the Beacon Council and also held at The Biltmore. The gathering was held to help raise needed funds to market the business assets of Miami-Dade County. At the event, President Fernandez delivered a special keynote address, "Strategic Alliance between the DR and South Florida." During his talk, President Fernandez highlighted the opportunities offered by the DR-CAFTA treaty and the fact that the DR could serve as a bridge between Florida and the Asian markets. Fernandez stressed the strategic alliance would open up more trading opportunities for markets that don't currently have trading links with Southern Florida.

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