View Full Version : [DR1] Major networks followed the elections

05-17-2006, 03:10 PM
Both CNN and the BBC carried stories on the Dominican elections. Spain's EFE news agency reported that the elections went by without major incidents. CNN reported "healthy lines began forming early at polling stations." CNN also commented on the challenge facing Leonel Fernandez whose party only held one seat in the Senate and four seats in the Chamber of Deputies. The Cable News Network also reported on a cable from the Associated Press (AP) that cited the difficulties with the electricity service, and the desire Dominicans have for a solid democracy. The German agency, DPA, commented on the late start at some of the polling stations, but their reporters said that no major problems were expected. The BBC and the New York Times quoted Fernandez and talked about the task he faced in defeating what he called the "tyrannical majority."

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)