View Full Version : Students lag in problem-solving

10-10-2008, 04:00 PM
Results of a nationwide evaluation shows the need for major changes in how Dominicans are taught. Forty-thousand first-year students at 16 universities were evaluated for the POMA/Ministry of Higher Learning (SEESCYT) study. The students showed below average problem-solving skills, but acceptable scores in language and reasoning skills. Students at the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC), Iberoamerican University and Loyola Polytechnical Institute, UNAPEC and Instituto de Ciencias Exacts (INCE) students scored in the top five spots.
The Technological University of the South (Utesur), the Technological Institute of Eastern Cibao (ITEC) and state university (UASD) campuses outside of Santo Domingo ranked the lowest.
The same study confirmed high school graduates are entering the university unprepared, and have not been taught to reason or solve problems in school.
Spanish educational consultant Jose Diaz Esteve, who was in charge of the study, says: "Be it a developed country or a developing country, the main objective of education needs to be to develop intellect and capacity to solve problems." He insisted there need to be major changes in how Dominicans are taught and methods developed so students can have the skills to solve personal, family and social problems.
Dominicans were most lacking in mathematics, not so in language skills.

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