View Full Version : National Forestation Plan

10-14-2008, 02:20 PM
The Ministry of Environment will be working closely with 15 public and private organizations to implement a major nationwide reforestation plan. Participating in the plan are Quisqueya Verde, Fundacion Sur Futuro, Instituto Agrario Dominicano, Sociedad Ecologica del Cibao, Cooperativa de San Jose, Junta del Yaque, Asociacion de Caficultores de Naranjito, Fundacion Foresta and the Consejo Asesor Internacional de la Juventud Rural. Also Fundacion Loma Quita Espuela, Fundacion para el Desarrollo del Suroeste, Fundacion para el Desarrollo del Cercado and the municipalities of El Pino, Polo, El Llano and Mella. During the announcement of the program launch, Environment Minister Jaime David Fernandez said that the Ministry would cover the costs of the reforestation logistics and would provide technical advice to the participating entities that in turn would manage and monitor the implementation in their communities.

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