View Full Version : [DR1] Travel investment at US$5.3 billion

05-19-2006, 02:10 PM
Tourism Minister Felix Jimenez says that new investment in the tourism sector could reach US$5.3 billion between 2006 and 2008, making tourism a leading force in foreign investment in the DR. Most of the investment is now going into expensive real estate developments, golf projects and marinas. As reported in Hoy newspaper, there is concern that tourism at present is not benefiting the people. Economist Jose Aleman and the president of the eastern region hotels' association Ernesto Veloz told journalist Soila Paniagua that more attention needs to be given to matters such as conservation of natural resources and educating the population, as well as the cleanliness of the areas being visited. Aleman and Veloz align themselves with the new philosophy in the industry that quality tourism does not mean just quality hotel accommodations, but rather a quality destination environment that tourists can freely visit. Veloz insists that efforts need to be made to improve the destination environment so as to secure higher repeat tourist numbers.

The Ministry of Tourism official slogan is that the Dominican Republic is "inexhaustible." But Aleman told Hoy that the natural advantages that exist today are not infinite. He said that the government needs to offer tourism based on its people. He stressed the need to improve education, public safety, urban planning, potable water and sewage treatment, electricity services, and garbage services for the community so as to make the area attractive overall.

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