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10-17-2008, 04:20 PM
Helados Bon, the ice cream, juice and marmelade company, makes it easy for all to contribute to the forests of the Dominican Republic. The ice cream company that produces delicious organic chocolate ice cream and an organic chocolate ice cream with macadamias, supports the preservation of the rain forests on the Quita Espuela mountain in San Francisco de Macoris. National Geographic recognized the importance of the effort and the mountain in a video earlier this year (see news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/03/080319-cacao-video-wc.html (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/03/080319-cacao-video-wc.html)).
Bon, in a corporate social responsibility campaign, is promoting the project, "Guardians of the Treasure of Quita Espuela: Organic Chocolate" to prevent an environmental and social disaster. The program has succeeded in encouraging cacao farmers to switch to the much-coveted Cacao Hispaniola variety. The planting and preservation of the cacao plantations is important because the cacao plants need shade, giving farmers an economic motivation not to deforest the area. The Guardian del Tesoro de Quita Espuela program has helped 80% of farmers in the area make the switch to the Cacao Hispaniola variety that has more market acceptance. To join this effort, call 809 530-7901 ext 228 or email Virginia Sosa at v.sosa@bon.com.do

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