View Full Version : Food gets dearer

10-20-2008, 02:10 PM
The extremely popular "dish of the day" served in cafeterias and roadside food stalls known as "fondas," all over Santo Domingo are getting more expensive due to increases in the price of their ingredients. Most of these little businesses selling food, in some cases with home delivery, say that they have been obliged to increase the price of a meal that used to cost RD$70 pesos just a few days ago to RD$90 and RD$100. Frank Pena, the administrator of the Comedor Tipico located on Isabela Aguiar Street in Herrera, said that what used to cost RD$70 now has to be sold at RD$90 in order to make any money. Belkis Arias, who runs an executive cafeteria - "Clari"- on Guarocuya Street in Herrera explained that the increase of her "plato del dia" from RD$70 to RD$80 is due to the increased cost of rice, tomato paste, seasonings, vegetables, plantains and other ingredients. She said that a week ago she could buy a sack of rice (125 pounds) for RD$ 2,200, and now it costs RD$2,350. She also complained of the increased cost of poultry. She added that she had not increased her prices more because "for ten pesos less you lose your clients, they go someplace else."

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