View Full Version : Government's decision 'illegal'

10-22-2008, 03:40 PM
Listin Diario reports that the government's decision not to lower gasoline prices is illegal and violates Hydro-Carbides Law 112-00. The assertion comes after Economy, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas announced that although international fuel prices are dropping, the government wouldn't follow suit. Montas stated that the government would not lower prices because it had to recoup revenue losses that were absorbed by the government when the price for a barrel of petroleum was US$150. Montas explained that during those months the government chose not to pass the cost of fuel on to the consumer. Economists Fernando Alvarez Bogaert and Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita criticized the minister's arguments. Both say that failing to reduce fuel prices could have negative effects on competitiveness and could continue to affect the construction and commercial sector. Espaillat says he doesn't understand how the government could violate the law, and urged it to be transparent and apply the law. He was also critical of the Superintendent of Energy's statement that the law is followed only when possible.

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