View Full Version : Pelegrin reveals US opposes shooting planes

10-23-2008, 04:10 PM
National Progressive Force (FNP) deputy Pelegrin Castillo has told reporters that the United States government notified the Dominican government that it opposes the legislative proposal aimed at establishing air and sea interdiction of suspected drug smugglers. The legislation is currently in Congress as part of the mechanisms that will be implemented to fight drug trafficking in the area, and to prevent ships loaded with drugs from reaching Dominican shores. The communication from the US authorities was sent to the Dominican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Castillo revealed the contents of the note during hearings on the bill in the Chamber of Deputies, which was left on the table. During a recent visit, US anti-drug chief John P. Walters said that although the decision to shoot down a plane would have to be made by the Dominican government, his recommendation was that force should not be used. The US official said that his government was not in agreement on the shooting down of aircraft. This possibility is one of several tools that are being suggested as ways of ending the use of Dominican airspace and seas for drug trafficking.

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