View Full Version : [DR1] Pepe Goico arrested in Santo Domingo

05-22-2006, 02:10 PM
Former army colonel Pedro Julio "Pepe" Goico Guerrero, who for years acted as chief of security of former President Hipolito Mejia, managed to sneak past airport immigration controls and entered Santo Domingo on Sunday, but hours later he was found hiding in a closet in a house in the luxurious Piantini section of Santo Domingo. Goico had migrated to Spain shortly after the change of government (September 2004). The Dominican government had requested his extradition to the Spanish authorities.

Officials from the District Attorney's office told El Caribe and other newspapers that Goico Guerrero was not arrested at the airport because, since it was a Sunday, many of the officials connected to the arrest warrant were not on the job. The DA's office was notified, however, and they arrived at 18 Seminario Street where they cordoned off the residence and requested the required search and arrest warrants. Santo Domingo District Attorney, Jose Manuel Hernandez, told reporters that when they arrived at the house at around six o'clock in the evening, the electricity had been intentionally cut and the owner of the house, Frenchman Jacob Cohen, told the police that Goico Guerrero was not there. However, a search of the premises found Pepe Goico, the former colonel, hiding in a closet. Also in the house were his wife, mother in law, and children. Goico Guerrero was reluctant to be arrested in the house and after many insulting words he was arrested, and transferred to the cells in Ciudad Nueva Courthouse in downtown Santo Domingo.

Goico Guerrero is linked to the Baninter collapse case that is moving in Dominican courts. The bank fraud scandal moved from rumor to official informations, when Baninter denounced excessive charges being made on the credit card issued by the bank to Pepe Goico for presidential expenditures. He is sought in the case as an accomplice in the fraud case being heard and is accused of his participation in the sale of the helicopter that is linked to Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo, who has pending a case for major drug trafficking in a New York City court.

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