View Full Version : [DR1] Death toll climbs as vote count slows

05-22-2006, 02:10 PM
The death toll from violence linked to the latest Dominican elections has risen again. Two people were killed in Galvan in the southwest and another two were killed in the town of Pedro Brand in Santo Domingo province.

The two men killed in Galvan, in Bahoruco province, were identified as a National Police sergeant and a PRD candidate for a city council seat. The incident happened as one group was celebrating its election victory. According to sources, the police have identified the shooters and two people are under arrest. Three more individuals were wounded in the incident and taken to hospital in Barahona.

In Pedro Brand, Santo Domingo province, the situation is calm, but tense. The police have arrested two suspects in the two shooting deaths that took place the day after the elections when the two main political groups had a confrontation over who won and who lost.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)