View Full Version : First Tech Fair-TECDO 2008-is over

10-27-2008, 03:00 PM
TECDO 2008, which came to a close on Sunday evening, brought together representatives from several countries and 145 national companies in the telecommunications, technology sales and technological solutions fields. Although yesterday at noon the organizers had not finished tallying the number of people who attended, they are sure that thousands had visited the fair, held on site of the old Remos restaurant on Espana Avenue, in Sans Souci, since last Thursday. The event was organized by the Santo Domingo Cybernetic Park as a way of showing businesspeople, both national and international, as well as the general public, opportunities for selling their technological creations. With this event, the country's telecommunications companies, producers of software, networks and even agricultural chemicals and machinery could exhibit their wares in order to facilitate investments and guarantee higher profits and economic savings to buyers. Among the technological advances on exhibit was the Ministry of Agriculture's Greenhouse Promotion Program that featured a computerized crop fertilization and protection system. This technology is applied to crops in greenhouses and features the ability to apply fertilizers in exact doses from a remote location. Another technological advance promoted at the fair came from a Spanish company that has developed software that enables hospitals to create digital pictures of x-rays. One of the most interesting new items presented at the fair was exhibited at the Ministry of Higher Scientific and Technological Education's stand. Edwin Martec has created a system of remote electricity disconnection and remote reconnection, which earned him first place in the second national science and technology contest.

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