View Full Version : Ships provide solution

10-28-2008, 03:50 PM
The State-run Electric Companies Corporation (CDEEE) has announced the rental of three large energy-generating ships that will add 205 MW of power to the national grid. The energy will be supplied to the Cibao region, which has been hardest hit by the latest wave of rolling blackouts. According to Listin Diario, the kilowatt per hour price of energy produced will be US$0.20, which is relatively cheaper than the rate set by the Madrid Accord, which stipulates US$0.26. The agreement with the floating generators will last five years and energy companies Polar and Coste will invest US$100 million in the project. The less encouraging news is that they will not be available until 1 April 2009, meaning the region will continue to endure intermittent power disruptions until then. The CDEEE signed the agreement for the energy boats with Polar Energy, Costes Enterprise and Santiago Electricity (LAESA). CDEEE vice president Radhames Segura said the generator will provide 175 MW of energy that will back up the San Felipe generator when it goes off line. The remaining 30 MW will be provided by LAESA, which will back up the Pimentel generator. The government will provide the fuel needed to power the generators. Segura did not disclose whether the contracts had been put out for public tender before the agreement was signed with the companies.

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