View Full Version : Six wonders of the Deep South

10-30-2008, 05:20 PM
More than poverty and desert, the southwest of the Dominican Republic has beaches with spectacular crystal clear waters, greenery and red evening skies. "What are you going to the south for?" This is the question most people ask when someone says that they are planning a vacation there rather than the idyllic east or the verdant north. The answer lies in the fact that many only know about this "arid and dry" facet of the region. But the southwest is much more than just poverty and desert: It is home to beautiful vegetation, blue beaches and glorious evenings. You don't believe it? Franklin Marte's photos show you the "Six Wonders of the South, as selected by us (Hoy newspaper) during a recent trip.
See: www.hoy.com.do/vivir/2008/10/29/253245/Las-seis-maravillas-del-Sur-profundo (http://www.hoy.com.do/vivir/2008/10/29/253245/Las-seis-maravillas-del-Sur-profundo)
The six wonders are: Bahia de las Aguilas, Hoyo del Pelempito, Blue Coast of Paraiso, Lagoon at Oviedo, Sierra de Bahoruco National Park, and the Green Mountains, blue skies and clear waters.
"The people of the region are another thing. People from Azua are optimistic. During our trip through the south we found some very interesting people. Among these was Antonio, with whom we spoke as we made a brief stop in Azua. We asked, "How are things here?" And he answered, "Better than 40 years ago, now we have streets." Then we met the little guide. As we looked at the lagoon in Oviedo, suddenly there was Adrian, eight years old. He came closer and said 'You know, this lagoon measures 1,374 square kilometers and of these 905 are marine...' and then continued with his tour. Although with feelings of nostalgia mixed with sadness, Awilda, who lives in the little town located at the entrance to the Bay of Aguilas, tells us that the place has neither electricity nor running water, but she says that she is proud to be living in such a beautiful place".

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)