View Full Version : [DR1] Micro drug traffickers

05-23-2006, 02:10 PM
Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito criticized what he described as micro drug traffickers who have a hold of barrios because they pay a toll to the authorities in charge of persecuting them, as reported in Hoy newspaper. He said this creates serious problems for society in general. He said that the drug traffickers' complicity with the authorities stimulates drug sales and weakens the institutions in charge of drug control - the National Drug Control Department and the National Police. He said that most of the crime and violent deaths that occur in the country can be linked to drug trafficking.

Dominguez Brito was on leave from his role as attorney general to run for senator for Santiago. He won the seat and said that he is back at the Attorney General's Office to finish up a series of processes and policies aimed at reducing crime in the DR. Dominguez Brito criticized the jailbreaks, 15 in recent times, that he says are a cause for shame for the jail system where he understands there is complicity between police and military authorities. He expects to implement the model set in the Najayo and Puerto Plata jails in other penitentiaries nationwide.

He said his immediate goals are to finish the building of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses (INACIF) in Santiago so that studies of suspicious documents, drugs and bullets can be made. He said this center would be linked to the headquarters in Santo Domingo and regional offices in the north, south and east. He also is looking forward to the graduation of a young group of lawyers as prosecutors. On his agenda is instating, at least for Santiago, the first model of a safe city, which goes beyond that of a safe barrio.

When asked about the case of Pedro Julio (Pepe) Goico Guerrero who has been tried on several cases but never sentenced, he attributed this to the institutional fragility of the country. "I believe that we, as a nation, as a country, are at a point where we need to start breaking old cultural molds. We need to play a serious role in all this. Things either exist or they don't. If someone made a personal mistake, one simply has to take the decision that is due for the case," he commented.

Dominguez Brito will be sworn in as Senator on 16 August.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)