View Full Version : Playing the blame game

11-04-2008, 03:40 PM
Plenty of blame to go around, but the administrator of the Dominican Hydro-electric Generation Company (EGEHID) Rafael Suero says the reasons for the blackouts that have hit the DR in the last month are the fault of former President Hipolito Mejia. Suero pointed out that Mejia had extended the Madrid Accords, which were due to end in 2004, by 16 years. Suero says there is a commission that is trying to renegotiate the agreement on more favorable terms for the DR. Playing the same broken record, Suero said that the government will resolve 80% of the energy problem by 2012 and has planned investments in hydro-electric plants which will double the DR's energy production capacity. However, Suero failed to comment on any short-term solutions from President Leonel Fernandez or any other government body. President Leonel Fernandez is on a world tour and has yet to make any comments about the energy situation back home.

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