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11-01-2004, 03:36 PM
What does a cheap cell phone cost in Sosua? I need to get 1 while I am down there. I figure if I buy one I can just take it with me on my trips. Also where would you buy one at? I have only speny 3 days in Sosua so I don't know what phone store to use....
Thanks for any info.

11-01-2004, 03:38 PM
What does a cheap cell phone cost in Sosua? I need to get 1 while I am down there. I figure if I buy one I can just take it with me on my trips. Also where would you buy one at? I have only speny 3 days in Sosua so I don't know what phone store to use....
Thanks for any info.

I bought 1 at Orange for $15.

11-01-2004, 03:46 PM
Lou at the shark bar is renting cell phones.call him and see what he has 809 304 4333.Or call himat the bar 809 571 2764. Im his partner in the bar so i know he has phones.Take care Brian bpl0116@yahoo.com

11-01-2004, 03:48 PM
Lou is a great guy I met him on my last trip.

Really down to earth.

11-01-2004, 04:11 PM
Lou at the shark bar is renting cell phones.call him and see what he has 809 304 4333.Or call himat the bar 809 571 2764. Im his partner in the bar so i know he has phones.Take care Brian bpl0116@yahoo.comRental would be good execpt I may not stay all week in Sosua. I am flipfloping on all week in Sosua or 3 days there and 4 days at blackbeards so a rental from susoa would be a pain to tak back if I am not staying all of the time in the town.
Thanks i will keep this option in mind.

11-01-2004, 06:09 PM
What does a cheap cell phone cost in Sosua? I need to get 1 while I am down there. I figure if I buy one I can just take it with me on my trips. Also where would you buy one at? I have only speny 3 days in Sosua so I don't know what phone store to use....
Thanks for any info.

You can also take an old one with you and have it activated. Either at Orange or Codetel.

11-01-2004, 09:25 PM
You can also take an old one with you and have it activated. Either at Orange or Codetel.
A good idea but I am the last person in the USA without a cell phone... Yes I said I don't have one. I hate the damn things. But I need to stay in contact while I am gone So I figure I should get one for while I am on my trips to the DR.This way I can still not have one of the infernal devices while in the states. :)

11-01-2004, 09:32 PM
You can also take an old one with you and have it activated. Either at Orange or Codetel.
A good idea but I am the last person in the USA without a cell phone... Yes I said I don't have one. I hate the damn things. But I need to stay in contact while I am gone So I figure I should get one for while I am on my trips to the DR.This way I can still not have one of the infernal devices while in the states. :)

They really aren't that essential for finding and slaying pussy in DR...unless you just want to stay connected to every chica that you meet and can speak very good Spanish, I think that they are more trouble than they are worth.

Imagine that you are with your "novia" and your freak from the previous night calls declaring her undying love for your STRUDEL...this will place you in an untenable position...

Chicas in DR (regular non-putas) do not like to share.

Psriches will tell you that even the putas are playa hating in Sosua.

11-02-2004, 07:53 AM
My friend and I turned on 2 cell phones that we brought from NY... they fixed the chip or whatever the fuck they have to do and gave us a 300 card on one and a 150 card on the other all included it cost 1100 pesos... that was in La Vega though... If you decide not to use a cell which i dont think its that necessary then you can go to the verizon calling center which is right near rockies... Go up Pedro Clisante and turn right onto Rockies block... walk up that block and turn left and its right there... Good luck....

P.S. calling fron this calling center is much cheaper per minute then using a cell...

11-02-2004, 09:54 AM
I don't want it to stay in touch with chicas. I need this so work can get in touch with me.. I is a bitch being the only techical person in the comp. I get things like "Hey dude I fucked up the database. can you fix it?" and stuff like that. This is also why I had the questions about wireless before.
So when I get a cell phone there I can jump on a web page and set my work number to forward calls to the cell. (vonage can be nice) Hell most of the company will not even know I am gone. If I am lucky this will bw one of the weeks I don't hear from anyone all week.

Love Tiny Women
11-02-2004, 06:22 PM
People here are talking about changing chips in the phone? What is different in the DR? Do they use a different network or something?

Don Tomas
11-02-2004, 06:30 PM
People here are talking about changing chips in the phone? What is different in the DR? Do they use a different network or something?

Quick rundown...
You are from Europe with liberal laws and GSM so I will stick with Orange.

Normally phones are locked to one carrier or another, in the states a GSM phone from AT&T won't work with a T-Mobile SIM chip.

You probably have a unlocked GSM phone so you...

1. Bring your phone to the DR.
2. Go to the nearest Orange store.
3. Buy a SIM chip with your new DR phone #.
4. Switch SIM chips.
5. Enjoy.

Read this thread for more info...