View Full Version : Deputies rebel on Tucano loan

11-06-2008, 04:31 PM
The fact that the PLD's Political Committee had instructed its deputies to ratify the loan agreement for US$93.6 million to buy eight Super Tucano airplanes from Brazil, a loan negotiated with the National Bank of Social and Economic Development and the Embraer Company of Brazil, and which had been approved by the Senate, did not matter, and it stayed on the table. According to Diario Libre, lobbying with their nearly-always-faithful allies, the PRSC party deputies, was not much help as only eight of them voted in favor of the agreement. The Dominican Revolutionary Party bloc of deputies abstained from voting, leading to a loss of quorum. The loan will have to wait until next week, giving time for its supporters to find the necessary backing. The agreement was left on the table due to the lack of quorum, since the PRD withdrew from the session. The contract for the loan had been approved by a special commission that was assigned to study it, headed by PRSC deputy Rafael Molina Lluberes.
Hoy newspaper attributed the putting on hold of the passing of the US$93 million loan to a letter circulated by PLD deputy Elso Segura Martinez. In the letter addressed to chamber president Julio Cesar Valentin, Segura claimed that money was going around to grease the approval of the bill by the deputies. Segura also pointed out that "the money god has intervened so that the US$68 million loan for the completion of Pinalito dam with a Brazilian bank also be passed" and another loan with the Deutsche Bank of Spain for US$19 million for the completion of an aqueduct in eastern Santo Domingo.
The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Julio Cesar Valentin asked Segura to identify the legislators that were taking money. Segura is the president of the ethics commission of the Chamber.

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