View Full Version : [DR1] Attorney general sounds off

05-24-2006, 03:10 PM
Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito, fresh from his victorious Senatorial bid, returned to his offices in Santo Domingo, and let everyone know that he was back. Dominguez Brito told reporters that he was disappointed that United States investigators had not found the accomplices of Quirino Paulino Castillo, the drug trafficker currently on trial in New York. He called for action against "the complicity, the crime and the drug trafficking that have penetrated the highest levels of the population, including those institutions responsible for the nation's security." He added that the killing of Air Force member Martin Abreu and the operations carried out by Paulino Castillo, an Army captain, prove the involvement in drug trafficking "among the military." As reported in El Caribe, Dominguez Brito, speaking at his first press conference since returning to his duties, guaranteed the safety of Pedro Julio "Pepe" Goico Guerrero in the La Victoria Prison, saying that Goico is in an area with conditions similar to those at the newer Najayo Prison. When asked about Goico's arrival and entry into the country, Dominguez Brito sharply criticized airport security at Las Americas International. He said that the controls were either negligent or did not work, because Goico Guerrero should have been arrested at the airport. The recent spate of jailbreaks also came under fire from the top law enforcement person in the DR. He called the escapes in Mao and Santiago "the result of the lack of discipline that prevails among the armed services, including the officers." He said it was curious that some of the escapes occurred without anything being broken.

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