View Full Version : [DR1] Sharp rise in software piracy

05-24-2006, 03:10 PM
Losses doubled as the rate of software piracy was kept stable between 2004 and 2005. According to articles appearing in many of today's papers, 77% of the software used in the Dominican Republic is pirated. This places the DR above the average level of other Latin American nations with regard to piracy. Paraguay and Bolivia lead all nations with 83%, and the average for all of Latin America is 68%. In the Dominican Republic, piracy means the loss of US$8 million per year, up by 100% from previous years. Latin America does not do well in comparison to the world piracy average of just 35%. Even this average means more than US$2.0 billion in lost income. According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA), a 10% drop in software piracy would me the creation of 2.4 million new jobs, US$400 billion in economic growth and US$67 billion in new tax revenue around the world.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)