View Full Version : Almeyda on migration

11-12-2008, 03:50 PM
Interior & Police Minister Franklin Almeyda says that he is waiting for Congress to pass changes to the Constitution on nationality and migration issues in order to issue the Migration Ruling required for the implementation of Migration Law 284-04 that was passed three years ago, as reported in Listin Diario. Almeyda says that the ruling will apply to foreigners of all nationalities. In his opinion, the Police should monitor migration via the border with Haiti, not the Armed Forces. He said that a first step towards regularizing migration in the country is to determine how many foreigners live here, and their nationality. Almeyda has said that his department wants foreigners living in the DR to regularize their status. "A person who has been living here for 30 years, 20 years, we say that person becomes a resident of the country, and they would receive a foreigners ID, not an ID for an illegal person". That category does not exist, he said, to clarify a misinterpretation of his statement about providing identity documents to illegal residents in the DR. He explained that the Ministry of Interior & Police and its dependency the Department of Migration would decide a person's status, and then the Central Electoral Board would issue the identity card. The Ministry of Interior & Police has recognized that in the case of Haitians the difficulty is that most Haitians do not have a legal identity when they migrate from Haiti.

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