View Full Version : CDEEE pays US$10 million

11-13-2008, 04:10 PM
The Dominican Corporation of State-run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) reported that yesterday afternoon it paid the sum of US$10 million as part of the payment plan worked out with the generators, and the vice-president of the CDEEE emphasized how important the expansion projects were for the country's future development.
Radhames Segura reminded reporters from El Nuevo Diario that in 2006 the CDEEE worked on an Integrated Development Plan that prioritized different areas of the sector. He said, "and this plan is part of a critical workup of the characteristics and functional circumstances of the whole electricity sector in the Dominican Republic and measures its urgencies and projections until the year 2012."
He continued, "Over the next few days we are going to continue these payments, just as promised, and we will continue to promote and push for these projects that were conceived by the institution in order to solve the generation problems and this will guarantee an efficient coverage of the energy demand for the public."
He said that the 345-Kilovolt Electricity Highway, a transmission line from the south to the north, would be completely ready in June 2009. The substations will be ready in 2010 as part of the system's expansion. Also included in the plans is a secondary ring of 138 KV to reinforce the transmission lines in the major production areas of the country.
Segura also said that the hydroelectric dam at Pinalito is in its final stages and will bring 50 Megawatts on line. He also mentioned the projects at Palomino, Las Placetas, Las Barias, PRYN Brazo Derecho, Magueyal and the expansion of Hatillo that will bring 200 megawatts on line at low cost.

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