View Full Version : World Bank will support DR electricity

11-13-2008, 04:10 PM
The World Bank (WB) will renew its support for the Dominican Republic over the next four years with the aim of helping the government resolve the electricity problems that affect all Dominicans. The Bank's new representative in the DR, Roby Senderowitsch said that the energy issue was a top priority for the international organization, and for this reason they will renew the strategies that support the government for the next four years, according to a report in El Nuevo Diario.
After visiting Chamber of Deputies president Julio Cesar Valentin, Senderowitsch said that the WB has not defined the economic support that it will provide over the next year, because first it has to evaluate the government's needs and the amount of resources required.
Senderowitsch said that the organization has a great many projects aimed at tackling the country's electricity problems.
He added that the WB has extra funds for the neediest countries in Latin America in the context of the current global economic crisis.
He pointed out that his visit to the Chamber of Deputies was part of the process of getting to know the different Dominican entities and that this would continue with further visits.
Senderowitsch took on the role of WB sub-regional director in the Dominican Republic in September of this year and he will be officially installed in the country next January.
On Monday the vice-president of the State-run Electricity Companies (CDEEE), Radhames Segura, reported that the government is waiting for a third US$50 million disbursement from the World Bank, from a US$150 million loan to cover its debts with the electricity generators.

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