View Full Version : [DR1] Momentous symphonic concert

05-25-2006, 02:10 PM
Last night, the National Theater's main hall was nearly full to capacity with music lovers who enjoyed a magnificent concert presented by the 90-member Symphony Orchestra of Castille and Leon, an event sponsored by the Spanish Embassy. The orchestra was conducted by Maestro Alejandro Posada Gomez and the program was Suite No. 2 by Manuel de Falla, Concert for Flute and Orchestra by Jacques Ibert, and Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" by Antonin Dvorak. Solo flautist Clara Andrada de la Calle demonstrated a superb command of her instrument. After an extended standing ovation at the end of the concert, the conductor came back onstage three times to play encores to this audience, which just did not want to go away.

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