View Full Version : Country feels easing of blackouts

11-17-2008, 02:30 PM
The electricity crisis began to ebb a little last Friday after a meeting between the CDEEE authorities, the Ministry of Hacienda and President Leonel Fernandez that led to an announcement of partial payments of the debt through the use of fuel and loans. At noon yesterday, the generation available to the National Interconnected Electric System (SENI) was 1,310 megawatts, with a deficit of 369 megawatts in the face of a 1,679-megawatt demand. This is a slight improvement in the system, even though the weekend is a time of lower demand. According to Diario Libre, the government is going to try and pay in kind and with money the US$300 million that the electricity generators are demanding in order to reduce the blackouts. CDEEE vice president Radhames Segura announced that a payment of US$130 million will be made this year, US$30 million which will be in fuel, and the rest of the US$300 million will be paid in 2009 using special budget allocations or lines of credit. Yesterday, the generators at Los Mina V and VI, Haina I and IV, Falcondo 1 and 2, CEPP 1 and 2 and CESPM (Cogentrix) 1 were not on line. According to a report, electricity distributor Ede-Este's area suffered the most blackouts, serving just 67.3% of its clients' demand for electricity. The deficits yesterday totaled 158 megawatts for Ede-Este, 134 megawatts for Ede-Sur and 77 megawatts for Ede-Norte.
The north had the smallest deficit due to the entry of the San Felipe generator (formerly Smith-Enron), into the system. Most of the generators are operating, although Haina I had to go off line due to a water leak in the condenser. At 9am yesterday the system had 1,074 megawatts and a demand for 1,432 megawatts, equivalent to a 25% deficit, according to the Superintendence of Electricity webpage. The superintendence projected a peak demand for 1,668 megawatts and a generation of 1,511, equal to a 10% deficit. It was reported that of a total of 225 69Kilovolt lines, four were out of service during the day due to scheduled maintenance and to facilitate the connection between Pinalito and two 69KV lines from Bonao II.

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