View Full Version : Ambassador under a cloud

11-19-2008, 03:30 PM
El Dia newspaper reports that an honorary ambassador to the Dominican government, Manuel Mario Perez Rivera, is likely to be removed from his post after accusations of fraud. The newspaper says that he was suspended last week and could be dismissed from the post this week pending a decision by President Leonel Fernandez himself. Perez Rivera, who is a Spanish national, was appointed honorary ambassador to the Dominican government on 19 August 2004, at the start of President Fernandez's 2004-2008 term of office. He was being considered for the post during the second term.
El Dia has been following through with an investigation into a series of fraud complaints about the diplomat and his son Mario Perez Garcia.
This is the same person who back in 2001 was questioned by El Caribe newspaper for his dealings with the Mejia administration. Regardless of the past controversies, the Fernandez administration appointed Mario Perez Rivera as ambassador.
www.dr1.com/news/2001/dnews040901.shtml (http://www.dr1.com/news/2001/dnews040901.shtml)
www.elpais.com/solotexto/articulo.html?xref=20080901elpgal_2&type=Tes&anchor=elpepiautgal (http://www.elpais.com/solotexto/articulo.html?xref=20080901elpgal_2&type=Tes&anchor=elpepiautgal)
www.eldia.com.do/article.aspx?id=57872 (http://www.eldia.com.do/article.aspx?id=57872).

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