View Full Version : Tests on school breakfast quality?

11-20-2008, 03:51 PM
Despite having started the distribution of the school breakfast on 5 September, so far over 62 million servings have been distributed, but nobody knows the nutritional level of the snacks since the government has not made public quality monitoring tests that may or may not have been carried out. According to Hoy reporter Carmen Matos, after the sub-standard quality of the milk being served in the schools was uncovered by investigative reporter Nuria Piera last school year, several entities said that they were in favor of periodic checks and promised to do so and present the results to the public. In a similar manner, the Minister of Education Melanio Paredes designated a multi-sectorial commission that was charged with guaranteeing a good nutritional level by carrying out random testing every 15 days. Both the minister, as well as the director of the Student Welfare Division that manages the breakfast program, have announced on several occasions that the studies have begun and they have even set dates to present the results, but the public has yet to hear their findings. NGO Citizen Participation, the pediatric association and the Dominican Teachers Association have all supported the idea of the studies and promised to finance several of these during the school year.

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