View Full Version : Elderly kidnap victim released

11-20-2008, 03:51 PM
Bienvenido Chalas Calderon, 80, a resident of San Jose de Ocoa, has been freed by the kidnappers who seized him from his home on Monday. According to Listin Diario, the kidnappers left the old man in a remote area without demanding any ransom from his family. Around the National Police headquarters it was rumored that the kidnappers had asked for a large ransom from Chalas's family. In order to rescue Chalas, the Police Anti-Kidnapping Unit carried out a major sweep of the area. Police Chief Rafael Guillermo Guzman had said that if the man were not released, he would personally carry out the search. Guzman earned the nickname "the butcher" for his ruthless actions against criminals when chief of the police in San Francisco de Macoris. It has been said he would order agents to shoot at the legs of known criminals, to deter them from committing future crimes.
On Monday night the police rescued a young girl, Yohanna Licelot Aracena Castillo, 13, who had been taken that morning on her way to school on the Los Restauradores Avenue in Sabana Perdida. Her kidnappers had asked for a US$150,000 ransom.
Dominican Police authorities are known for their effectiveness in dealing with kidnappings.

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