View Full Version : Sun Land verdict on 17 Dec

11-21-2008, 04:20 PM
Supreme Court of Justice president Jorge Subero Isa announced today that the Sun Land case decision would be announced on 17 December.
The announcement comes after the full body of the Supreme Court heard arguments for declaring the entire Sun Land contract in violation of the Constitution. The US$130 million loan package was signed for a long list of construction projects that were never completed with the funds. The judges met behind closed doors in the Council Chamber to listen to arguments from the president of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) Ramon Alburquerque and PRD secretary general Orlando Jorge Mera. The Justice Department, in its opinion, requested to dismiss the PRD appeal. Supreme Court president Jorge Subero Isa said that everything would be done according to the rules of the process and in the order of precedence established by the court.
The US$130 million loan that was signed by the director of the Public Works Office of Supervising Engineers, Felix Bautista and the finance company, and another one for US$200 million with the Ministry of Public Works with the same company, but which was not executed because the company claimed it did not have the resources available.
The appeal states that the Presidential Office of Supervising Engineers and Sun Land signed the contract for the construction of priority projects for the Dominican state, supplying equipment and materials, together with 19 IOUs, each one for US$6.8 million where the Dominican Republic is cited as the responsible party for payment of the debt. The PRD has also objected to the US$200 million loan by means of a suit for unconstitutionality. This loan was signed by the former Minister of Public Works, Freddy Perez with Sun Land but it was never executed.

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