View Full Version : Chichi Peralta goes Japanese

11-24-2008, 05:40 PM
The beats of the Caribbean are now mixed with the sounds of Japan, in new tracks recorded by maestro Chichi Peralta for his new release "Amor Samurai," included in his fourth CD, "De aquel lao del rio" that will be available to the general public in January 2009. The shamisen, shakuhachi, Japanese strings and taiko drums are part of the new musical fusion. Peralta, a leading percussionist and composer, has worked with Cuban Orchestra NG La Banda to create the unique new sounds. As a preview, a videoclip of one the tracks will be shown on 30 local TV programs. In the track he sings with Japanese Kumiko Yoshijara.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)