View Full Version : Hold the applause

11-25-2008, 02:10 PM
Dominican Repubic Association of Industries (AIRD) president Manuel Diez Cabral has asked the IMF to hold its applause for the DR's fiscal policies, saying that they have created a "forced stability" that has damaged the productive sector, punished exports and increased interest rates. Diez Cabral also said that the private productive sector has found it very difficult to access loans. He added that he understood the IMF viewpoint that a "fiscal adjustment" is needed but says that this time it should be applied to public spending. He commented that in other countries the productive sectors are getting support, not more taxes. He said the trend in the DR has been the opposite, which is creating an unsustainable situation.
Adding a different perspective on the issue of the IMF, Diez said that the DR should be able to solve its problems by itself.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)