View Full Version : Discontent at JCE

11-25-2008, 02:10 PM
Employees at the Central Electoral Board (JCE) are angry that only members of the JCE's presidential and administrative chambers have received a substantial salary increase, of between RD$8,000 and RD$23,000. Most other employees received only salary adjustments of around RD$100 in some cases. Employees are also complaining that one of JCE president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman's secretaries makes RD$75,000 per month, and that others are now making RD$70,000 per month after having received salary increases of RD$11,500 each. Executive secretaries are not complaining, because their salaries were raised to RD$42,000 while auxiliary secretaries salaries were increased to RD$28,000. According to one JCE employee quoted in Hoy, "that is discrimination because no one works more than anyone else at the JCE. We all do what we are asked". Employees are also confused, since Administrative Chamber president Roberto Rosario refused to implement a 15% salary increase mandated by the Executive Branch for public and decentralized government organizations, because, according to him, there was no money for that increase.

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