View Full Version : [DR1] No more excuses

05-26-2006, 04:10 PM
In the page two editorial of today's edition, Diario Libre's Ines Aizpun writes that the government will no longer have any excuses to fulfill 2004 campaign promises. She observes that the PLD has used the methods of the competition to increase its power. Now she says that to modernize the state and the party systems, if that was indeed their true goal, more than words are required. "It appears as if the opposite is the case and the PLD is sliding softly and discreetly towards reviving the old style of the charismatic leader who is distant and admired, and does not permit internal competition."

She comments that one can talk all one wants about the importance of education, but then the budget set by law is not provided, and that is a serious mistake. One can give speeches on honesty in administration, but to increase the public payroll 23% in the run up to the election is a contradiction that is too blatant to be disregarded. She also remarks that to go straight in to building a metro without a budget is not an example of an efficient administration.

She comments that the priorities are the same: education, health, jobs, energy and institutionalism. "Has the government been firm and coherent in its two first years to avoid distributing contracts without tenders? Has the government fought nepotism and trafficking of influence in public offices?

Mentioning that the government has two years to go, she wonders what will happen with DR-CAFTA, social security or if there is any plan for the energy problem. Her conclusion is that the excuse of an opposition Congress can no longer impede the country from moving ahead. "Let's see what happens," is her finishing note.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)