View Full Version : Macarrulla says 40% is impossible

11-27-2008, 03:20 PM
National Business Council (CONEP) president Lisandro Macarrulla said yesterday that the nation's economy could not stand a 40% wage increase for workers. Macarrulla confirmed the resumption of talks with labor representatives. According to Hoy newspaper, Macarrulla did not offer a figure that business feels would be a fair general wage increase. He did say that all would depend on each company's overall compensation package. Macarrulla also said that Conep is discussing other aspects of the workers' demands that would mean increased purchasing power for employees.
On Tuesday, workers and union leaders held a protest march, and called on CONEP to support wage increases.
Maribel Gasso, the president of the Management Confederation (Copardom) suggested some measures that, according to her, could help save jobs and could provide business with sufficient earnings to allow for salary increases. She said, "We have been saying over the past few months that the problem of increasing salaries is not just the increase but how much will it bring to the worker. She commented that companies have been paying 1% of each employee's salary into the Workers' Health Fund, and nevertheless these RD$6 billion pesos have only been used to pay for RD$200 million in health services. She also pointed out that increasing the income tax exemption level could help the middle class. She said that 60% of businesses have already increased salaries this year, and that talks with the labor unions are still ongoing.

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