View Full Version : AMET tough on procastinators

12-01-2008, 02:30 PM
The Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET) impounded 314 vehicles last weekend in operations against drivers who had not renewed their license stamps on time. Metropolitan Police commander Colonel Ernesto Rodriguez Garcia said the vehicles were taken to the old Dog Track, where, after paying a fine and purchasing the sticker, they were returned to their owners. The number of vehicles taken by AMET in the capital was greater than the Dog Track parking capacity.
The fine for impounding the vehicle is RD$1,030, plus the RD$500 late fee for not obtaining the sticker within the three months allowed by the Department of Taxes (DGII). The stickers cost either RD$1,200 or RD$2,200.
The period for renewals was up last Friday 28 November. Only 10% of the 800,000 vehicles that were supposed to renew their stickers failed to do so.

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