View Full Version : Paya case accused to be extradited

12-01-2008, 02:30 PM
A source at the United States Embassy has told El Nuevo Diario reporter Carlos Corporan that former Lt. Colonel Ricardo Guzman Perez and former Major Eduard Mayobanex Rodriguez Montero would be extradited to stand trial in a Federal Court for drug trafficking in the United States.
Both former naval officers are accused of killing seven Colombians and wounding Orin Clinton Gomez, from Nicaragua, who became the star witness in the Ojo de Agua massacre case, since he provided details that led to the capture of the military officers and civilians suspected of the killings.
Meanwhile, El Nuevo Diario correspondent in New York city, Miguel Cruz Tejada pointed out that the Dominican Embassy in Washington was not aware of any request from the United States Justice Department to extradite the former major Rodriguez Montero, who, together with a group of other officers and some civilians, is accused of carrying out the murders in Ojo de Agua in August.
The reporter said that sources close to the investigation being carried out by the DEA and other federal agencies had told a grand jury that they had found probable cause to accuse the group of transporting thousands of kilograms of cocaine and heroin from the Dominican Republic to the United States and Puerto Rico, and because of this a federal court with jurisdiction in New York had submitted a request for the extradition through the Washington embassy.

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