View Full Version : Manhole money

12-02-2008, 03:10 PM
The old practice of stealing manholes is once again on the rise, posing an additional danger for citizens during blackouts. Manhole covers are stolen and resold as scrap metal for big bucks. The metal is then exported. Aside from being a nuisance for city officials who must constantly replace the covers, pedestrians must now take care not to fall into one of these giant holes as they move round the city. When it rains the situation becomes more precarious as it is difficult to know where a manhole is. And when there is no power, city sidewalks become like minefields. Drivers also deal with the missing manhole covers as they slow down to avoid falling into a hole. According to a report in Listin Diario, although the DR doesn't produce any metal, it is fifth on the list of the DR's main national exports. Steel bars are the leading metal export, but interestingly enough no steel is produced in the DR. According to statistics from the Center for Exports and Investment (CEI-RD) exports of metals have doubled, reaching 79.2% in 2008. Metal exports in 2008 alone totaled US$39.9 million compared to 2007 when exports were US$22.3 million. Part of the growth in export and revenues generated is due to the increase in metal prices during the first months of the year.

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