View Full Version : Clientelism or development?

12-05-2008, 04:40 PM
In an interview with Listin Diario, the President's industrial advisor Antonio Isa Conde said that competitiveness in the country is affected because there is a sector in government that pushes for development, and another whose priority is clientelism, or political patronage. "We're trapped," he said. Isa Conde says that it is shameful that the energy problem has not yet been resolved. He said that it is like a dog chasing its own tail and going round and round in circles. Isa Conde said that President Leonel Fernandez is one of those who push for development. He advocated taking politics out of the energy issue and adopting a long-term vision. In his opinion, short-term solutions are the worse enemy of efficiency. "The problem is that politics makes us forget the long term," he said.

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