View Full Version : New Theads in New vBulletin!

Don Tomas
12-05-2008, 11:33 PM
I am actually going to cover a few topics in this thread.

It's all fairly simple but trust me it will help EVERYONE!

Posting a thread is just like now with one minor difference. The ability to select a Thread Prefix. Now some my ask why select the prefix "Trip Report" if I'm posting in the forum Picture Section (DR Trip Reports) Well it's simple people posting in the forum Colombia - Trip Reports & Pictures should use the same thread prefix.


So....when someone goes to search our fine forums instead of selecting every Trip Report forum then can limit their searches to "Trip Report". Also it's not just Trip Reports that go into the above forums, if it is a straight up Picture show, then pick Pictures as your prefix.


Now to the really important part of new threads. TAGS!

Some of you might have seen Tag Clouds on other sites, they are very helpful. Well vBulletin added it with version 3.7.


The original thread starter can add up to 25 tags. People who have the authority (BOD or higher I think) will be able to add tags also.


As you notice tags that already exist come up as you complete the word. Just like usernames do now when searching by user or PMing them.

Now if someone clicks on a tag, all threads tagged with that Tag will come up as a search result!


Finally we get to the Tag Cloud. Depending on the popularity of a tag it appears larger then other tags in the cloud.


PS One more way you can really help ISOC. You can digg it! You can social bookmark ISOC pages now to advance us on the internet.


12-06-2008, 12:24 PM
How do I start a new thread? Thanks.

Don Tomas
12-06-2008, 04:53 PM
How do I start a new thread? Thanks.

The information is after tonight's upgrade.