View Full Version : Worries over storm alerts

12-08-2008, 03:11 PM
The Emergency Operations Center (COE) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have expressed their concern about the fact that most of the population does not understand the emergency alert system; the different levels of alerts and the action that needs to be taken in each case.
COE director Colonel Juan Manuel Mendes and UNDP Disasters Prevention and Preparedness Program coordinator Marc Van Wynsberghe agreed that action needed to be taken to improve and perfect the mechanisms for informing the public about these alerts and to establish debate between vulnerable sectors of the population and the response organizations.
They also agreed to seek mechanisms aimed at raising public awareness so that people do not resist evacuations. These are some of the conclusions of a workshop sponsored by the UNDP and the European Community on the lessons learned during the recent hurricane season.
Colonel Mendez said that the evaluations of the COE's performance during the 2008 hurricane season found that one of the main problems they faced was people's resistance to being evacuated and leaving their homes, mainly in the most vulnerable areas, when a dangerous situation is developing.
He announced that they would be launching an information campaign, starting with a brochure in January.
It was also decided to simplify the COE procedures manual.

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