View Full Version : Cardinal wants stiffer sentences

12-08-2008, 03:11 PM
The head of the Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic, Nicolas de Jesus Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez, has called for much stiffer sentences for people linked to drugs and drug trafficking. The Cardinal spoke after celebrating Mass at the IX National Ultreya, a group of the faithful from all of the nation's dioceses. Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez told reporters from Listin Diario that as well as more vigorous sentencing, the nation needed more controls on trafficking.
"They should have gone after these people with clubs a long time ago, and not just the Justice Department, everyone," he said. The Cardinal said that he had no doubt that some people here know who the masterminds behind the Paya massacre are, but they remain silent out of pity."
The Cardinal said he has no doubt that the international narcotics trade had penetrated the political parties and all social strata. He called for the rehabilitation of the family as the main way of rescuing Dominican society from "these dogs that do not believe in anything or anybody, and are willing to sell their souls to the devil..."

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